Lyndsey Walsh. Body & AI: Breaking the Binaries

While there have been great efforts to deconstruct the binaries between nature and technology—human and non-human, these categorical tensions continue to create ruptures in the corporeality of our current culture. This presentation sets out to make space and reveal how technology, life, and nature are entangled and ensnared in a myriad of networks and relationships. Reflecting on my own artistic works, collaborative projects with my creative partner Jess Cockerill, and writings concerning my projects “Living Waste”, “(R)EVOLUTION” and its corresponding texts on Interspecies Microperformance, and Crawlers’ “A Practical Guide to Ecomancy for the Digital Age”, I will set the stage to reexamine hopeful efforts to grapple with our multispecies entanglements to collectively design, construct, fail, and grow practices to achieve what we consider to be a sustainable and equitable future. This presentation will also reflect on the efforts of contemporary artistic and philosophical research to imagine and bring to life visions of multispecies connections that are informed by queer feminist and disability studies-based discourses. 

Lyndsey Walsh is an American artist, designer, writer, and researcher based in Berlin. Lyndsey has a Bachelor’s in Individualized Studies from New York University and a Master’s in Biological Arts with Distinction from SymbioticA Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts at the University of Western Australia. Lyndsey is enthralled by the creatures emerging from the spaces in between and crossing over the imaginary, the becoming, and reality. Their work explores the instability surrounding the cultural and social aspects of disease, identity, the body, death, human and non-human relationships, and speculative narratives on the future. Their work has been exhibited globally and featured in art events and with institutions such as Frieze Art Week New York, the Humboldt Forum, the Ural Biennial, the Berlin Biennale, Transmediale/CTM, and more.