Johanna Reckewerth. Multi-species connections

Human or not, all entities are interconnected and dependent on each other, and any intervention has to consider the long-term implications of this. If there is any chance at all for humans to survive on the planet, it is to work together in an evolutionary paradigm shift and take power away from the human in an emergent society where humans and non-humans are interconnected, responsible, and participants in a mutually supportive way in a liveable, healthy, just, and sustainable planet.

Johanna Reckewerth is a writer and researcher passionate about bringing queer-feminist and posthuman perspectives into the discourse. She has a background in urban studies at Bauhaus University Weimar and social science (gender studies) at UvA Amsterdam. Her research interests include care ethics, multi-species connections, and embodied knowledge production. Johanna taught the Bauhaus.Modul “BodyLAB: Posthuman Ethics for Social Transformation” in ws 22/23 and co-developed the framework of the “Non-Machines – Playground of Perspectives” conference at Bauhaus University Weimar.