Electronic live concert

1 + 1 = 1 deals with rivers flowing through three cities: Anseong in Korea, Weimar in Germany,and Yeonggwang in Korea. Anseong and Weimar are the cities where I currently reside and Yeonggwang is the city where my grandmother lived during her lifetime. The movements of the members of the microscopic world in the water droplets are converted into sound data, and scales are played in real-time according to the experimental musical notation. 1 + 1 = 1 proposes a new sense of trans-boundary. It is also a metaphor for all connected minds regardless of place and mode of existence (life and death).
Dahye Seo is currently studying media art at Bauhaus University Weimar. She is questioning the Border between human and non-human, living beings and machines, human and environment and the border in the concept of time that separates past, present and future.